
The certification of non-autonomous protective system is done as a part of non-electrical equipment certification.

Ochranné systémy - odlehčení výbuchu prachu a plynů

Certification of autonomous protective systems

  • relieve of dust and gas explosion pressure such as the rupture diaphragm, relieve valve, relieve panel, venting devices etc.

  • suppression of dust explosion such as fast extinguishing systems for a explosion suppression at the incipient phase

  • decoupling of gas explosion such as flame arresters (end of line, in-line, deflagration, detonation) as well as for the dust explosion decoupling such as rotary valves, tripping valves, extinguish pipe barriers etc.

  • explosion pressure resistant and explosion pressure shock resistant equipment

The certification is carried out according to the harmonised EN Standards and prEN Standards. Up to the time of prEN addoption as the harmonised Standard we offer the certification according to relevant accepted national Standards.

Certification of non-electrical devices containing non autonomuos protective system as an integrated part of equipment such as silos, mill grinders, filtration units etc.

Forms to download:


Don’t have experience with the certification process?

Never mind, we will try to help you.

How to proceed – I have no experience

Why FTZU certificate?

  • Certainty of independent verification – increased truthfulness for business partner
  • Application of the most modern test equipment

  • Professional skilled staff

  • Internationally accepted test results

What do you obtain?

  • Test of product

  • Information about test result

  • Product certification

  • European or internationally accepted certificate

Contact us

Dipl. Ing. Martin Zámrský

General Manager

Dipl. Ing. Lukáš Martinák

Head of Certification


Electrical Equipments
Non-electrical Equipments
Protective Systems
QAR/QAN Quality

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Fyzikálně technický zkušební ústav, s.p.

IČ: 00577880 / DIČ: CZ00577880


Pikartská 1337/7, 716 00,

Ostrava – Radvanice

+420 595 223 111